Friday, July 29, 2011

How certain is reality?

It appears we still have a lot to learn in chemistry.  Mendeleev's table is up for review: an atom is no longer necessarily a core with a fixed number of electrons; that number can vary.  Variable atoms, among which hydrogen and oxygen - two key elements for life on earth. (For the curious, check this link

Also recently, a gene was discovered that develops characteristics according to the sex of the body it is in.  In other words: one gene, different characteristics based on context.  This reminds me of quantum physics, where the results of the observation become dependent on the context of the experiment.

Conclusion: nothing is as certain as we would expect.  The question is: doesn't this go straight to the heart of western philosophy, which thinks in terms of 'beings'? Shall we finally be forced to relinquish thinking in boxes and pigeon holes?

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