Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The minds of plants

For centuries, the exact divide between man and animal has been the subject of many a philosophical debate. And just when it was agreed to some extent that man – that creature knowing good from bad – is the summit of creation, Darwin came along upsetting everything again by stating that the animal ‘man’ was just a product of evolution just like all other creatures on this planet.  To date, there are still those who find this an unacceptable thought.

But whatever the difference between animal and man, here comes the next surprise: scientists have found that also plants have cognition. They are able to remember circumstances and facts, and adapt to new conditions. At the base of their stems, we find the same cells that have become neurons in humans.  How surprising can this be?

It is scientifically almost a fact that one single amino acid from space entered earth piggy-backing on a meteorite and produced all life on our planet.  And it goes without saying that, since our Milky Way and all other galaxies in the universe are swarming with similar meteoroids, life is a general phenomenon in the universe (not necessarily in the same forms as here, but life nonetheless).  And that one amino acid originated from chemical elements produced in stars.

Plant, animals, people .... we are made of the same stardust.  What a wonderful thought!

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