Friday, November 30, 2012

Be Happy!

The latest popular trend that seems to be pushed to the public is the topic of happiness.  Bookshelves full of publications by happiness experts or those who claim to know how to do it.  How to be happy, what happiness should be…  it is all destined to sell well.
Because in the end, the number of people openly stating to be happy is significantly small.  Most of us just carry on regardless in everyday life, seeking the adrenaline or the endorphin depending on the situation to escape the dragging routines of a life they find themselves in.
So now there’s the new norm: be happy!  And if you are not a seeker of happiness, you are not part of the pack. Yet if you are just happy like everyone else, you are not creative, unique, or standing out from the masses. 
In this dual mindset, how on earth can anyone find themselves, let alone find happiness?
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