Friday, August 24, 2012

Being apart together

A strong image in Buddhist philosophy is that of the ocean of existence on which the waves of the phenomena come and go.  It means that, despite differentiation on the surface, all things are actually of the same order, one large field of unity.
If we look at the ways in which things originate in the cosmos, we know that on this cosmic scale it is a play of energies that determine where, when and how stars exist.  Also, in living nature, it becomes more and more apparent that energetic patterns are at work in the origination long before ‘visible’ things materialize.
This great energetic ocean of the universe, from which informative patterns (us!) bubble up…  Is our belief, our faith even in the fact that we are separate from one another and from the world, still valid then?  Does life’s richness really lie in surfing the tips of our own wave?  And how ‘own’ is this then?
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